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Personal Chapter 7 Bankruptcy vs Business Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Personal Chapter 7 Bankruptcy vs Business Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

As with any economic uncertainty, many businesses small and large are consuming resources to keep the business going. Many of these businesses may decide to look into the advantages of filing chapter 7 bankruptcy. But, which do you file, personal […]

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Who Knows I Filed Bankruptcy?

Who Files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy?

A question that comes up a lot is, “Who else is going to know I filed bankruptcy” or “is my bankruptcy public record”? The technical answer to these questions is yes, it is public record. However, for the average person, […]

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Title Loans, Registration Loans and Payday Loans

Title Loans, Registration Loans and Payday Loans

These three types of loans seem to come up a lot in bankruptcy. If you are finding the need for any of these loans, you may be on a collision course with the need to file bankruptcy. What are these […]

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The Haven Act

The Haven Act

In bankruptcy, the general rule is that a person filing bankruptcy must disclose to the court all income from every source. Most income sources are counted towards a test to determine eligibility for the various chapters of bankruptcy called the […]

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Will Bankruptcy Stop Wage Garnishment?

Will Bankruptcy Stop Wage Garnishment?

In short, the answer is yes. When a bankruptcy is filed, an Automatic Stay goes into effect. The Automatic Stay applies in both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The Automatic Stay is put in place as a stop to […]

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